Sunday, April 21, 2013

Order and Chaos, Protection and Adventure

Today's walk did not feel like autumn. It was a perfect day. Perfect as the budding protea. Containing everything tightly packed in a perfect order. 
But at the same time the other side is visible. There are seeds produced last year, ready to be blown and scattered and to be dispersed around into the chaos. 
It is just a matter of luck to find fertile ground.
I see some sand in a hollow on a rock. Just enough to collect some moisture for a short life. A little pocket of opportunity in the chaos.
There is a fight for light going on. A struggle of life or death.
The sun comes up bright and strong over the mountain. A bush stretches its hairy fingers greeting the promise of enlightenment. 
The brightness lights up the chaos. Light and shadow are created.
I watch a lizard  It is protected in the unknown dark, invisible - attracted by the warmth, it is coming out in the open.  Alert and careful moving in and out of the shade. In the light it is visible, clear defined, alive but very vulnerable. 
Different from a seed, I have the choice and can decide every day anew to stay fuzzy hiding in the shade or come out clear, defined and alive in the bright light. 

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